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Just Dive In
Leap, Reach & Stretch

I love drawing or painting someone in motion. I also love to learn new things — new ways to draw and paint — and in that stretch I find great adventure.

Likewise, I love leaps of the imagination, reaching for something beyond the status quo, and life moves that give us a fresh point of view.

It’s scary or uncomfortable at times, but I’ve decided I’d rather stretch than stagnate

Urban Energy

Some of my city scenes are made-up, and some taken from photos. As you’ll see in my more abstract cities, newspaper lends itself very well to the look of skyscrapers with their rows of windows.

I love the throbbing pulse of the city, even the overwhelming aspects of it. There always seems to be more and more to see, the lights and shapes and reflections alone putting on a constant art display.

I’m torn between crossing that bridge or street to be a part of the pulse—or standing back so I can see the whole thing from afar and capture it in some way. As if it were a thing to be tamed!

Sailing Song
Mixed Media Minis

Many times I’ve heard art-loving people lament that they need more money or more wall space. I understand!

One solution is these small pieces. I love working big, but I’ve learned to really enjoy these minis now as well. 

They are often playful and abstract, and the pressure to “make a masterpiece” doesn’t weasel its way into the process as much, and many come out saying something even more personal as a result. 

One of my favorite sizes is 6 X 6 square, set in a clean, white 12 X 12 frame that gives it a spacious elegance. Some are just tissue collage. Others are a mix of printing, paint, oil, pastels, and tiny scraps of paper.

Paths & Doorways

I love archways. I love the way they curve and support, and I love their openness, the way they beckon us further.

If my art can invite anyone to enter into the scene personally in any way, I feel I’ve accomplished something.

When we see something we love, we want to share it: “Come, look at the moon! It’s so BIG!” or “Hey, check out the view just through these gates! You can see the water!”

Somehow beauty is bigger and brighter when we share it. I want to inspire us all to keep growing and exploring. Life is too vast and vibrant to let it go unseen and unshared.

Got Birdseed?

As a child I’d sometimes sit in a field and spend a long time examining every detail of one flower.

Or I’d lie in the sand, scoop a few grains into my hand and peer at each miniature boulder about one inch from my face.

I think we are taught too soon to rush off and neglect this closer-up meditation.

I found a huge universe in these tiny glimpses—and it stirred awe in my soul. I’d encourage you take time to see huge wonders as you zoom in for a closer view of small things. 

Forged By Joy

Years ago when I wasn’t cranking out as much art as I do now, I’d only make something as a gift for someone.

Writing, playing music or creating tissue collages was always intricately tied to my personal relationships. Sometimes this was a challenge—and for a while I struggled to do things “just for me.”

Ultimately, though, this connectivity to others has been a gift. It comes to the fore when I’m doing commissions or pieces for special occasions, allowing me to tap into the special qualities in each person or event in such a way that the artwork becomes more interactive—a live and ongoing celebration.

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